Roast beef
It’s a tradition in our house to have a roast dinner every Sunday, below is what we have with roast beef, but you can change the vegetables to what you like. I also cheat and use shop bought yorkshires…but I find the secret is in the timing when everything comes together at the same time.

Roast beef
- Joint of beef
- Vegetable oil
- Ground pepper
Roasted vegetables
- Potatoes, peeled and cut in half
- chantenay carrots, top and tailed
- onions, peeled and cut in half
- salt
- vegetable oil
Vegetables and sides
- frozen peas or mixed veg
- frozen runner beans or fresh top and tailed
- frozen broccoli, or fresh cut up
- yorkshire puddings, frozen
Extra creamy horse radish
- 5 tbsp creme fraiche, I use 0% fat but you can use full fat
- 2 tbsp jarred horseradish
- juice of half a lemon
- 6 tbsp beef gravy granules
- 1 beef oxo cube
- 3 tbsp cornflour
- juices from the beef, optional
- Take your beef out of the fridge 30mins before you want to cook it.
- Preheat the oven to 180º / Gas 4.
- Place the beef in a roasting tray, drizzle vegetable oil over the top, sprinkle ground pepper all over. Place in the oven and cook according to the instructions on the packet. I tend to cook mine 25mins per 500g, plus 25mins. Top tip: If you have a timer on the oven, set this as it will help bring everything together at the same time at the end.
- In the meantime, prepare the roasted vegetables, gravy and extra creamy horseradish.
- In a large pan of salted cold water, add the potatoes and carrots.
- For the gravy, in a glass add the granules, cornflour and oxo cube, add enough with cold water to combine to a very thick sauce and stir. Top tip: I find preparing this early, granules dissolve nicely and doesn't make your gravy lumpy.
- For the extra creamy horseradish sauce, mix all 3 ingredients together, stir together and keep refrigerated until ready to use.
- When there's 1hr 10mins left on your beef, bring your potatoes and carrots to a boil and cook for 20mins. When cooked, drain in a colander and shake a few times to make the potatoes edges slightly roughed up. If your using a separate roasting tin, add some vegetable oil to the tin and place in the oven for 5mins. When ready, tip the potatoes and carrots into the roasting tin, cover with oil and place in the oven for 60mins.
- Refill the saucepan with salted water and add your frozen runner beans. If using a steamer saucepan, add the peas or mixed veg in the next level or add to the beans.
- After 30mins of the potatoes cooking, take them out of the oven and turn over and add the onion halves, ensuring oil is drizzled over the top. Return to the oven to continue cooking.
- When there's 10mins left of the beef cooking, bring the saucepan of frozen veg to a boil, turn down to a medium heat and cook, after 10mins, add the broccoli as this takes less time to cook and you don't want it mushy.
- When the beef is cooked, remove from the oven and allow to rest for 10mins before cutting.
- Carve the beef and keep warm.
- When all the vegetables are cooked, this is the time to cook your yorkshires, place them in the oven (according the to packets instructions, some take longer if they uncooked so you will need to put these in the oven sooner, some only take 4-5mins, which is what I use).
- Drain the vegetables, keeping the water for your gravy. Add the gravy mixture to the water, keeping the heat high, once all mixed together and it beings to thicken, turn down and simmer, add a few spoonfuls of juice from the beef. If you think it's a bit watery, add some cornflour and cold water to form a paste and slowly add to the gravy, if too thick, add some more water.
- Dish up your roasted vegetables, sliced beef, vegetables, drizzle with gravy and serve with your extra cream horseradish and yorkshire puddings. Serve immediately.
- If there are any left over yorkshires and you are a bit peckish a bit later, spread some jam on them, they taste amazing….